Hancock Health's Resolution vs. Hancock Patriots Resolution

It has comes to our attention, that the Hancock Health Hospital network has submitted another resolution to the Hancock County Commissioners in response to the Hancock Patriots resolution. You can read more about all of this HERE. On Tuesday, August 31st in Greenfield, the Hancock County Commissioners will possibly be voting on two different resolutions related to vaccine passports and the Covid-19 vaccination. 

It is our opinion that Hancock Health Hospital Network is trying to undermine the original resolution to ban vaccine passports and discourage private businesses and corporations from mandating the Covid-19 vaccine. You can read our original resolution HERE or below the Hancock Health's Resolution. A few points of consideration: 

1. The Hancock Health resolution discourages "vaccine passports" to conduct commerce (Point #1) but it doesn't discourage the use of "vaccine passports" when it comes to employers mandating them for their employees.

This is unlike, the Hancock County Patriots resolution which protects employees from carrying around vaccine passports to keep their jobs. Point #5 of the Hancock County Patriot resolution reads"
Lastly, the Board encourages businesses and schools in the County to avoid any measures or mandates that require employees, customers, patrons, students, or other persons, to get a vaccine, a COVID-19 vaccine or to produce health information on COVID-19 immunization status, otherwise known as COVID-19 immunization passports."

Last legislative session, the Indiana Legislature passed a law banning government issued vaccine passports, but they didn't prohibit private businesses or corporations from mandating such. Thus, they left a big loophole. The Hancock Health's resolution recognizes this in Point #4 by saying "I.C. 16-39-11-5 establishes that the State of Indiana and its local units of government are prohibited from issuing or requiring an immunization passport, and the Board wholeheartedly supports the addition of section 11 to IC 16-39 as described." The Hancock County Patriots resolutions says concerning this: "Indiana Code §16-39-11-5 establishes that the State of Indiana and its local units of government are prohibited from issuing or requiring a COVID-19 immunization passport, except as set forth in the section, and the Board wholeheartedly supports the addition of Chapter 11 to Indiana Code 16-39 as described." Hancock County Patriots is calling on our County Commissioners to close this loophole by banning vaccine passports in the county. 

3. We find Hancock Health's last paragraph extremely troubling. It reads: "Every member of the Hancock County community should have the freedom to choose what they believe is best for themselves and their family pertaining to the COVID-19 vaccine.  In addition, unless prohibited by I.C. 16-39-11-5, businesses and other entities in Hancock County have the freedom to decide on the COVID-19 vaccine as it pertains to their entity. Businesses and organizations are also encouraged to steer clear of mandating a vaccine passport to conduct commerce."

Why are we concerned with this statement? It opens the door for businesses, corporations, even churches, to require the Covid-19 vaccination of their employees. Whereas, the Hancock County Patriot resolution discourages private businesses and corporations from mandating the vaccine. 

Lastly, the Board encourages businesses and schools in the county to avoid any measures or mandates that require employees, customers, patrons, students, or other persons, to get a vaccine, a COVID-19 vaccine or to produce health information on COVID-19 immunization status, otherwise known as COVID-19 immunization passports."

IN CONCLUSION, we are calling on our County Commissioners to reject Hancock Health's recent resolution and to support the first resolution as submitted by the Hancock County Patriots. 

Hancock Health's Resolution

WHEREAS: the Hancock County Board of Commissioners desire to confirm their support for the prohibition of vaccine passports and the individual and business freedom of choice as to the Covid 19 vaccine on behalf of the citizens of Hancock County;

1. The purpose of this resolution is to support and reaffirm liberty and freedom of choice for individuals, their families, and the organizations for which they work in deciding on the Covid-19 vaccine and to also encourage business and organizations to steer clear of requiring a vaccine passport to conduct commerce.

2. The Board of Commissioners (“Board”) of Hancock County, Indiana ("County"), is the executive body of County government pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-2-2-2 and the legislative body of County government pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36- 1-2-9.

3. I.C. 16-39-11-3 identifies an “Immunization Passport” as any written, electronic or printed information whether an individual has or has not received vaccine to produce immunity against COVID-19.

4. I.C. 16-39-11-5 establishes that the State of Indiana and its local units of government are prohibited from issuing or requiring an immunization passport, and the Board wholeheartedly supports the addition of section 11 to IC 16-39 as described.


Every member of the Hancock County community should have the freedom to choose what they believe is best for themselves and their family pertaining to the COVID-19 vaccine.  In addition, unless prohibited by I.C. 16-39-11-5, businesses and other entities in Hancock County have the freedom to decide on the COVID-19 vaccine as it pertains to their entity. Businesses and organizations are also encouraged to steer clear of mandating a vaccine passport to conduct commerce.

Passed and adopted by the Hancock County Board of Commissioners on this _____ day of August, 2021.

Hancock County Patriots Resolution 


1. This resolution is not to suggest that a COVID-19 vaccine should or should not be taken by any individual. Instead, this resolution is in support of individual liberty and freedom of choice. 

2. The Board of Commissioners (“Board”) of Hancock County, Indiana ("County"), is the executive body of County government pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-2-2-2 and the legislative body of County government pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36- 1-2-9. 

3.I.C. 16-39-11-3 identifies an “Immunization Passport” as any written, electronic or printed information regarding whether an individual has or has not received vaccine to produce immunity against COVID-19.

4. I.C. 16-39-11-5 establishes that the State of Indiana and its local units of government are prohibited from issuing or requiring an immunization passport. 

5. It is an unreasonable seizure of a person for the government to require a COVID-19 vaccine for all persons regardless of age, medical condition, or other factors, for the reasons to be stated below.

6. It is an unreasonable invasion of privacy, including in any healthcare related facilities, except by your personal physician, to require a person to disclose the status of his or her healthcare, immunization or COVID-19 immunization status for employment, education, access to events, or engagement in normal commercial and recreational activities for the reasons to be stated below. 


1. Every person who wants to get a COVID-19 vaccine should be able to do so, and every person or parent that does not want to get a COVID-19 vaccine for themselves or their child should not be required to do so. 

2. It is an unreasonable seizure of a person, contrary to the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1, Section 11 of the Indiana Constitution, for the government to require a COVID-19 vaccine for all persons regardless of age, medical condition, and other factors. 

3. It is an unreasonable invasion of privacy, except in certain healthcare related activities and other exceptional circumstances, to require a person to disclose the status of his or her COVID-19 immunization for employment, education, access to events, or engagement in normal commercial and recreational activities. 

4. Indiana Code §16-39-11-5 establishes that the State of Indiana and its local units of government are prohibited from issuing or requiring a COVID-19 immunization passport, except as set forth in the section, and the Board wholeheartedly supports the addition of Chapter 11 to Indiana Code 16-39 as described. 

5. Lastly, the Board encourages businesses and schools in the County to avoid any measures or mandates that require employees, customers, patrons, students, or other persons, to get a vaccine, a COVID-19 vaccine or to produce health information on COVID-19 immunization status, otherwise known as COVID-19 immunization passports.


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