Hancock Health's Resolution vs. Hancock Patriots Resolution
It has comes to our attention, that the Hancock Health Hospital network has submitted another resolution to the Hancock County Commissioners in response to the Hancock Patriots resolution. You can read more about all of this HERE . On Tuesday, August 31st in Greenfield, the Hancock County Commissioners will possibly be voting on two different resolutions related to vaccine passports and the Covid-19 vaccination. It is our opinion that Hancock Health Hospital Network is trying to undermine the original resolution to ban vaccine passports and discourage private businesses and corporations from mandating the Covid-19 vaccine. You can read our original resolution HERE or below the Hancock Health's Resolution. A few points of consideration: 1. The Hancock Health resolution discourages "vaccine passports" to conduct commerce (Point #1) but it doesn't discourage the use of "vaccine passports" when it comes to employers mandating them for their employees. This i...